Saturday, January 19, 2008

Night Watch. - [Movies / TV]

I just watched Night Watch last night and I was kind of hoping that it would be decent. Much to my dismay it was an absolute sack of crap. I guess that just because a movie is about something cool (vampires zombies etc...) does not make it a good movie.

The pace was all wrong, I was constantly adjusting the volume between too quiet to hear and thunderously loud. The dubbing from russian was good but the actual acting was crap. There was no actual plot, the movie just dragged on.

On the back of the case there is a quote from Quentin arantino saying that the movie was 'EPIC'. This movie was far from epic. My mount is epic, this movie is a waste of time.

My overall score is:
3 out of 10

And that is being generous.

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