Saturday, November 18, 2006

Oj Simpson.

"If I did it." The title of O.J. Simpson's new book in which he theoretically confesses.
The first thing that I noticed about this book is how the word "IF" is white on a white background while "I did it" are bright red on a dark background. I know that this is judging a book by its cover but if Judge Ito can't make a proper decision neither can I. Maybe he should have put the emphasis on "IF" instead of "I did it".
This guy bothers me. He should not make any money from this book and should be forced to donate all of his bread to a charity. Now if you are asking which charity, I can name a few. Firstly there is the anonymous bloggers group. They are dedicated to helping bloggers get money for stuff. But that is all the charities that I can think of right now.
Rot in hell OJ.

Friday, November 17, 2006

First post.

So this is going to be my first post.
I really have no idea what to write tonight but im sure that I will just ramble on for hours.
This is a great exercise in typing skills and hopefully I can keep this pace up for a while.
Now I know that my site is not all that fun and exciting yet but I am constantly adding content and figuring out new cool thigs to do with it.
I have some funny videos up and a few graphic images that I made so feel free to check those out if you wish.